I am Katie, a 29 year old, married (it'll be 4 years tomorrow!) mother of 2 toddlers living in the greater Los Angeles area of Sunny Southern California. I have a 3 year old daughter and a son who will be 2 in just as many weeks. I love to cook, I don't love the clean-up, but I love the consumption. Gathering around the kitchen table for a meal has been something I've done with my family since before I could remember. Both of my grandmothers are amazing cooks (no matter how much my grandma now says she hates to cook) I vividly remember eating their meals as a kid (even my grandpa's delicious green beans made with bacon, YUM). I learned a ton from watching my mother cook, I do credit her with being the reason I realize the importance of home cooked meals, and now I enjoy cooking for my family. I prefer to know where the food going into the bellies of the ones I love most, came from. Don't we all?
I've been working on my own "cookbook" on Tastebook.com for the last 6 months or so. I say cookbook in quotes because I am not a creator of recipes, what I'm doing, is taking pictures of my meals and putting all of the recipes and photos, both ones I inherited from my grandmothers or my aunt, ones I've acquired over the years, and ones out of my many cookbooks. To make my life easier, I am putting every recipe I love and frequently use, into one cookbook, which should make my cooking life easier. I plan to pass my book down to my daughter in the future. I thought it would be fun for her to have all the recipes I made for our family as she was growing up. And so, I decided to name my "cookbook" Dishcraft. I've searched Amazon, there is no other cookbook out there called Dishcraft, so this is an original name for a cooking blog/recipe place, and I'm darn proud of it! There is a Dishcraft blog without the "its" in front of it, but it's dormant. Yay. Hope it stays that way. So that's the story behind the name.
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